Durable and timeless design from leather - Discover the story of TR Leather Design

As a material, leather is durable, versatile and timeless. But how has one Finnish brand managed to translate this traditional material into a modern design language? Welcome to the story of TR Leather Design.

TR Leather Design is a brand specializing in leather products, with a passion for high-quality, individual and ecological leather products beating at its core. The brand is one of Kaarnavilla's valued suppliers, which says a lot about its quality and reliability.

Tiina and Riku, the founders and creative forces of TR Leather Design, are committed to designing and manufacturing products that stand the test of time both in practice and in style. Their background as craft entrepreneurs and their love for traditional craftsmanship is evident in every creation.

Tiina and Riku's journey to becoming a craft entrepreneur

Tiina's journey to become a craft entrepreneur started already in 2009, when she founded Verhoomo Elegante. Leatherwork became familiar alongside upholstery work, and in 2016 Tiina decided to separate leatherwork into her own brand, TR Leather Design. Tiina's creative soul and love for nature are strongly reflected in the brand's products, which draw their inspiration from the Finnish landscape and traditions.

Riku's story as a craft entrepreneur was a little different. He joined Tiina at Verhoomo Elegante and later also at TR Leather Design. As an experienced chef, he brought with him craftsmanship and passion for creative projects, which has proven to be an invaluable asset to the brand.

In the footsteps of the circular economy

TR Leather Design's products are designed and manufactured by hand in Helsinki. The quality is checked for each product, and since leather is always unique, each product is also a unique individual.

Using leather as a material also promotes a circular economy, as it is a by-product of the food industry. TR Leather Design wants to encourage people to get to know the world of leather and appreciate its liveliness and story - both as part of their own lives and in the form of leather products.

When you choose a leather product from TR Leather Design, you know that you are choosing not only a high-quality and durable product, but also a story that will continue in your use. So step boldly into the world of leather and let the story continue!

You can get to know Tr Leather's products in Kaarnavilla here .


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